How To Revive Old Content and Drive New Traffic to It?

27 Jan 2018
SEO Charlie Clark

We talked here about marketing your new blog posts, but what about old posts? Most bloggers are so focused on new content they forget the time and effort they put in their old posts and how valuable old writings actually are. New content isn’t supposed to drive you traffic and convert customers straight away. It’s supposed to do it three, four, five and six weeks down the line when it’s built enough authority to matter. That’s why creating valuable, evergreen pieces of content that solve problems people always have is SO important. If you’ve been blogging for a while you must already have a number of old blog posts that still get a bit of traffic, quality content you spent a lot of time on.

So why let them pile up in a dark corner while you focus on new subjects? You don’t have to create content on a daily basis, you just have to make sure that what you put out there reaches more people.

What posts should you choose to update?

  • Posts with the highest traffic – Posts with the highest traffic make up for your online success, updating them with new information makes sure you keep the edge in the competition.
  • Posts with the most shares – Posts that were very popular in the past. Making a small tweak can give them a new life. You can make use of tools like buzzsumo to find such type of posts.
  • Posts with a potential to succeed – Making improvements to the posts that appear at the end of the first page or on the second page of the search results page can bring the opportunity to surpass your competitors.

How Do You Improve Old Content?

1. Update The Information

A first step in improving an old blog post is updating the content. Maybe you can add some value to it, or maybe you feel differently about the topic and need to change a lot of the content for it to align with your current brand standard. You should make your writings more relevant to what is happening in your niche right now and make sure there are no out of date articles that are mentioned in the post.

Why not write a new article entirely you might ask? Because this post already has links to it, it’s been indexed by Google and is already generating traffic. So all you need to do now is make sure it generates more traffic.

2. Improve SEO

One of the absolute basics of SEO is internal linking. It is probable that you have produced more relevant content after a post was published, so read through the post and add internal links to the newer content. There are 2 things that you can do to make it rank better:

  • Basic on-page SEO – Make sure that the keyword or phrase appears in the title, once or twice in the article and once or twice in sub-headlines.
  • Make it more clickable – You can re-write the meta description and title (make it enticing) to increase your CTR. This will directly give you more organic traffic, but could also improve rankings.

3. Break It Down

Long paragraphs are hard to read and you can often lose audience because of this. So a good way to make your content more readable is to use different headings, insert images in between the content, and try to make your paragraphs no more than 5 sentences. Also, if you feel like you would like to recycle part of your blog post into other content formats you might want to check this article.


Marketing your content, be it old or new, means letting your imagination run free and not getting discouraged.But remember that no matter how much new content you put out there, old content can always be revived and it’s always a source of driving traffic to your website.

Here at Minty Digital, we offer a unique strategy for each objective our clients are aiming to achieve. Make sure you get in touch with us if you need help with advertising your business. 

Charlie Clark
Founder of Minty Digital. Charlie has over 10 years of experience within the Digital Marketing industry. Background in Project Management, SEO, and Google Ads.
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